Aaron C. Foster
also known as All Mighty Crit, Crit

Fallout 76 - Enclave Field Guide and History in Appalachia
also known as All Mighty Crit, Crit
I began my looooong Fallout journey with none other than Fallout 1 on a windows 95 pc back when it was owned by interpool.
Favorite has to be 76 because I love RP and 76 really allows you to dive into RP.
I have always wanted to be a voice actor ever since I was a child. Ever since watching Aladdin and hearing Robin Williams doing his voices. At that moment I knew what I wanted to do, make people smile and feel and do it through wacky insane fun characters.
Robin Williams will forever be my idol. He was a genius by his own rights and I aspire to bring the same levels of professionalism and joy he did his whole life.
Other than Thomas I absolutely love doing Charlie Transmutation from the Fumbling 4 and the All Mighty Crit podcast. He brings so many laughs even when I get put on the spot by a fan to do one.
Learn the history of the new Enclave in Appalachia. After Reclamation Day, the Vault 76 residents found themselves in a world they no longer recognized.
Some became Lone Wanderers, others became Raiders or banded together as new Settlers. Others found themselves in the WhiteSpring Bunker – and with the assistance of MODUS, began to rebuild America in the image of the old.
Our characters will discover dark secrets and new threats, all while surviving the Wasteland of post-war Appalachia.
You can find us on Twitter @ModusFiles | www.themodusfiles.com | https://www.patreon.com/user?u=34846059
The MODUS Files thanks Bethesda for allowing us the freedom to create under its Fan Video Policy. Fallout 76 © Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Thank you to Callme_Nobodi for the character art featured on our page!