Lawrence McNamara

How did you get into Fallout?
My kids got me Fallout 4 for Christmas way back when. I played for a little bit, but ended up coming back to the game about six months later. Ever since, I’ve been an avid fan of the franchise, its lore, and of course playing a lot of the other games in the series as well, including both Fallout 1, 2 & Tactics.
What’s your favorite Fallout game?
For me, it’s a toss-up between Fallout 4 and Fallout 76. I really enjoyed Fallout 4 for the story, characters, and the ability to play at my own pace, in my own way. Fallout 76 was my first real experience with a multiplayer game and of course I’ve used the backdrop of the environment and story of the game for the podcast. The fact that it was a wide open canvas for us players to explore and enjoy has me coming back to the game, day in and day out. Also, I’ve had the chance to meet some really wonderful people in game…many of whom I consider to be good friends at this point.
How did you get into voice acting?
Truly out of necessity. Turns out you can’t write a podcast without providing some measure of voice! It’s been a bit of a challenge and I continue to strive to do better with each and every episode.
Favorite voices/characters you’ve done?
So far, myself mostly!